Tuesday, December 17, 2024

 Peaceful Heart Sangha gathers twice weekly. 

~Mondays from 630-8pm is on Zoom weekly and in person-once/month (every 1st Monday) at the UU church 69 Winthrop St in Augusta, Maine. Feel free to email peacefulheartsangha@gmail.com for link/information.

~Thursdays 8-930am are in-person weekly (except the last Thursday of the month, which is on Zoom) at the River Studio at 332 Water St in Hallowell, Maine


      ~Upcoming events for 2025:

March 21-23, 2025

Tuning In: practicing mindfulness and deep listening retreat in musical community at Morning Sun Mindfulness Center in Alstead, NH (co-lead by OI members Lynn Deeves and MSMC resident "Honey Bear") 

Tuning In: Practicing Mindfulness and Deep Listening in Creative, Musical Community – MorningSun 


Sunday, 4.6.25 (10am)

Several members of the Peaceful Heart Sangha will lead a service at the Unitarian Universalist Community church at 69 Winthrop St in Augusta, Maine. www.augustauu.org All are welcome to attend in person or online (see link below). 



Friday, January 22, 2021

 Dear Friends, 

We hope that you are safe and well at this time and taking care of yourselves and each other! We are happy to announce an upcoming Zoom Retreat open to all...


Mid-Winter Zoom Retreat, February 18-21, 2021 


“Interbeing:  Opening our Hearts to Life”


The greater New England Sangha is offering an online Retreat with talks and meditations led by Dharma teachers Fern Dorresteyn, Richard Brady and Michael Ciborski. The retreat will include many wonderful practices, such as dharma sharing in small groups, walking meditation, deep relaxation, and tea meditation. The retreat begins with an orientation session on Thursday evening, February 18 and concludes on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 PM. 

Online Retreat Sessions:


  • 7 – 8:30pm Evening session


  • 9am -noon Morning Session
  • 1:30 – 4:30pm Afternoon Session
  • 7 – 8:30pm Evening Session


  • 9am -noon Morning Session
  • 1:30 – 4:30pm Afternoon Session
  • 7 – 8:30pm Evening Session


  • 8 – 11am Morning Session
  • 12 – 2pm Afternoon Session

Please register by February 14th, so that we have time to plan retreat logistics.

For more Information and Registration Click Here

Monday, March 16, 2020

May All Beings be Healthy and Safe-online sangha option

Dear Friends, 
Wishing you all health and safety during these shifting times with the onset of Covid 19 concerns. Recognizing the importance of community and connection, especially during these trying times, the Peaceful Heart Sangha has committed to an online sangha and Not meeting in person until it is deemed safe to do so. Please feel free to join us online on Monday evenings (6:30-8pm) and Thursday mornings (8-9:30am). It is free, you don't need an app and can use a phone-in option.

     ~IMPORTANT UPDATE from 4.6.2020: 
  For the security and safety of our online sangha's, a password is now being required for you to enter Zoom meetings, please email peacefulheartsangha@gmail.com to request/access.

    In the meantime, take good care of yourselves and your community. May all beings be safe and free from harm.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

PHS celebrates 12 years of practicing joyfully together!

    On Monday, 3.2.2020, members new and old celebrated the 12th anniversary-continuation day of  the Peaceful Heart Sangha. We sat, walked, enjoyed tea and snacks and shared our gratitude for each other in words, song, poetry and bringing our mindful energy to the group...many thanks to Harry Grimnitz for capturing this beautiful photo!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Follow this link to a listing of Maine sangha's in the Plum Village tradition and upcoming events

 ~Join Lynn Deeves and Jen Deraspe as they collaborate joyfully and mindfully in offering a Solstice celebration and sauna ceremony at "Nurture through  Nature" in Denmark, Maine on 12.21.19. See flyer below for details/FMI.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

10th Anniversary/Continuation of the Peaceful Heart Sangha...


In deepest Gratitude to all of the mindfulness practitioners (new and not-so-new) who helped create a warm and wonderful celebration for the Peaceful Heart Sangha's 10th Anniversary/Continuation on Monday, 3.5.18...we are so incredibly fortunate!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Upcoming Events...

Friday-Sunday September 27-29, 2019

"Cultivating Balance: Opening Our Hearts to the World as It Is"

Sangha retreat at Nurture though Nature in Denmark, Maine
               with dharma teacher Jeanne Anselmo

Suggested Donation to NTN for the weekend: $100 per person. 

We will bring our own food. Rustic accomodations, composting toilets, yurts, cabins, tenting available. Dana (donations) will be collected for our teacher who will be traveling from Long Island, NY.

The weekend may include: sitting, walking and eating meditation, dharma talks, dyads and dharma sharing groups, guided deep relaxation, an evening bonfire with offerings of: music, poetry, skits, readings, etc.

Registration is now open: peacefulheartsangha@gmail.com 

Save the Date: New England Retreat October 24-27, 2019


For a listing of other Maine sangha's in Maine and sangha-related, future events, www.mainesanghas.org